The evangelistic tracts and other materials found on this website have been written by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr. The material is being distributed in an expansive way through the internet, which facilitates a worldwide ministry. We are creating new 'net ministries specifically for this WWW evangelism campaign, including the Earthward Outreach ministry and Earth-Trekker's Mission. To assist with this work, we have established Word Rain Publishing, an enterprise which gets its start as a "desktop publishing" operation, and now we are blessed with an opportunity to say that we are already printing up tracts for shipments to India! We have conceived and inaugurated a Street Tracts International Mission, so it's obvious that we are trying to get the Word out!
And we certainly encourage everyone to help us in the distribution of our e-tracts, our Portable Document Format (".pdf") tract e-books, our tract booklet patterns, our tract slideshows, and our tract screensavers. We also encourage you to print up your own paper tract booklets from our patterns and to assemble them into materials that you can distribute in your own city/location.
However, these materials should not be sold for money unless you have received written permission from Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr. (or from a surviving member of his family). The content of these materials should not be altered in any way, nor should the name of the author ever be removed from the material.
All of this material is Copyright protected, and all publication rights remain with the author. However, the author is giving a general blanket permission for anyone to publish/print out as many as 10,000 unchanged copies of each tract for free distribution, with the author's blessing... as long as the content and the source material remain unaltered!
We do ask that you notify us of your printing activites, so that we know what's happening in various parts of the world. Translators may also produce foreign-language versions of our materials, but should retain the author's full name (Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr.) as the original writer of the tract, and should include notice that the work is Copyright protected from the date of the year stated on the tract by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr., saying also that the author retains his legal rights to the material he has written.
For anyone desiring to make a larger-scale publication, please be certain to contact R. K. Street, Jr. (or a surviving member of his family), to notify us and get approval. That's requested only in cases with the printings being over 10,000 copies of a single booklet title. It is hoped that this notification will help us to keep better informed, at least, of worldwide printing and distribution labors that are already underway.